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ANGIELSKA WERSJA - Protest CMWP SDP przeciwko rezolucji Niemieckiego Związku Dziennikarzy o braku wolności mediów w Polsce

The Press Freedom Monitoring Centre of the Union of Polish Journalists (SDP) strongly protests against the arguments put forward in the resolution of the German Federation of Journalists (DJV) of 5 November 2017 concerning the alleged restrictions on the freedom of the media and persecutions of journalists in Poland. We also strongly object to the opinions of DJV?s president, Frank Ueberall, expressed in his interview for the public radio station Deutsche Welle on 6 November 2017, which repeat and elaborate the allegations concerning Poland. The resolution of the DJV and the interview present Poland as a country which violates basic human rights, including the right to free press and the right to free expression. To support such allegations, subjective personal opinions are quoted referring to a reconstruction of media structure in Poland, a particularly strong pressure on foreign-owned media, economic pressure, harassment of journalists and subordination of the media to one political party. Yet, all of the above is simply not true. The functioning of the Polish media is regulated by law adopted within the process of democratic legislation. All the regulations in this field conform to the principles which guarantee freedom and independence of the media, both private and public. Especially appalling is the comparison drawn by Mr Uberall between the current situation in Poland and the rising of dictatorship in Germany in the 1930s. No evidence is provided by the author to substantiate such a bizarre claim, deeply unjust for the entire professional group of journalists and for media owners in Poland. Circulating internationally such extreme opinions by a journalistic organisation and its leadership is a kind of abuse detrimental to the mutual Polish ? German relations. The PFMC calls on all media organisations and intitutions to oppose the spread of such untruths about media in Poland and to depict their situation in a reliable way both for domestic and international public. Dr Jolanta Hajdasz Director Press Freedom Monitoring Centre of the Union of Polish Journalists
aktualności cmwp
Zapraszamy do udziału w organizowanej przez Centrum Monitoringu Wolności Prasy SDP konferencji na temat własności mediów w Polsce. Nie ma w Polsce jednolitej, opracowanej profesjonalnie publikacji (czy raczej rejestru), która odpowiadałoby na to proste pytanie badawcze ?\
Centrum Monitoringu Wolności Prasy SDP wyraża protest przeciwko orzeczeniu Sądu Apelacyjnego w Gdańsku, na podstawie którego red. Paweł Lisicki i red. Piotr Kubiak, autorzy artykułów na temat tzw. afery sopockiej mają zapłacić blisko 200 tysięcy zł za naruszenie w publikacji dóbr osobistych prezydenta Sopotu.
Centrum Monitoringu Wolności Prasy SDP ocenia pozytywnie przyjętą przez Sejm 26 stycznia 2018 nowelizację ustawy o IPN ? Komisji Ścigania Zbrodni Przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu. Nowelizacja ta ma na celu ochronę dobrego imienia Polski na arenie międzynarodowej i jest realizacją w praktyce prawa państwa polskiego do obrony prawdy historycznej.

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